Katarina Momčilović Matić

viši savetnik
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

Bilateralni sastanci

  • Utorak 15:45 - 18:15
OpisChamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia is independent, modern and responsible non-budgetary institution with long tradition, experience and knowledge. It represents national association of all Serbian businesspeople and serves the best interests of its members and the Serbian economy. Key commitment is to make Serbia visible as a market economy country, with investment opportunities, open borders, and ready to join the European trends in a competitive way. A century and a half of the Serbian chamber system tradition, well-developed chamber network and representative offices abroad, enable efficient implementation of the support mechanisms for the economy and businesspeople in their activities.
Vrsta organizacije Ostalo,
Sektor poslovanja

IKT i telekomunikacije