Marsela Grbešić


Bilateral Meetings

  • Tuesday 15:45 - 17:45
DescriptionThe mission of PROGRESIMOSS is to provide support to clients in realisation of their business goals, development of all resources and potentials in full capacity and to promote the contemporary standards of corporate government in organisations with our rich know-how and motivating approach. PROGRESSIMOS provides the consulting services in terms of business advising and support in the following segments: Human Resources Management organisation and implementation of the process of job candidates’ selection, support in the preparation and creation of tools in the field of HR management, work post systematisation and regulation of legal employment status and the process of evaluating the workers’ success, HR expenses - planning, monitoring of realisation, awarding system, facilitating the governance processes - problem-resolving, decision-making, advancement of the applied working methods and decision-making procedures, mediation – professional support in resolving the conflict situations; Professional development training programmes, planning and organisation of internal and external activities, team building, organisation and implementation of workshops for improvement of corporate governance, human relations and team work, organisation and implementation of professional training and internship programmes, HR events, coaching; Management of organisational development analysing the existing organisational structure in relation with the business strategy and advising with the purpose of advancing its efficiency, advising in the process of introducing and implementing the organisational changes at all levels, support in the process of reorganisation and restructuring, crisis management - professional support in crisis management in the organisation, projects, governance defining and advancing, organisational development and strategic planning.
Organization Type Consultant,
Areas of Activities

Intellectual services (engineering, design, consulting)

    Education and professional literature

      Financial services and investments


        Usluge consultinga i savjetovanja.

        PROGRESSIMOS Vam može pružiti usluge consultinga u smislu poslovnog savjetovanja i podrške u segmentima:

        Upravljanja ljudskim resursima / HR Management, Profesionalni razvoj, Upravljanje organizacijskim razvojem