Bilateral Meetings
- Tuesday 15:45 - 17:45
DescriptionThe software development company specialized in FinTech, mobile device management, e-learning, e-Health, CMS, entertainment, and marketing. JSGuru is high-quality, 35-person development shop where our client-person JavaScript development shop where our client come first. We build your desired product and aim to achieve excellent, long-term customer support so that you can focus on the core of your business.
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
ICT and telecommunications
Intellectual services (engineering, design, consulting)
Headless CMS (content management system) @Eusi
Proizvod koji upravlja sadržajem na svim platformama pomoću API prema bilo kom urešaju, web li mobilnom. Tražimo korisnike i partnere.
Software service, CMS
Nudimo softverske usluge iz oblasti finansija, e-learninga, e-healtha, mobile device managamenta, marketinga.